
Testimonials from Kripalu Teachers mentioned in Bio.

“You are a Kripalu Grand Daughter and have gifts the earth must have. A Dear Sister on the path who is conscious, self aware, and reflects the joy of serving others. I am honored to share my Teaching of Life with you as a mentor and as a friend.” 
- Vidya Carolyn Deluomo 

“ Ambi is like a bright shiny star that explodes from the sheer joy of bringing light to the world. Besides that I adore her delightfully goofball sense of humor. She is entirely at home in her body and authentically invites students to be in theirs. Above all she is my  little sister."
- Sudha Carolyn Lundeen 

“ Ambika embodies Creativity and Freedom and is an invitation to JOY through movement and full expression. As a Core Staff Assistant she is knowledgeable, personable, authentic, and mature.” 
- Devarshi Steven Hartman

'We wrote Pranayama for you & other serious Yogis. You are a Light & a Transformational Kripalu Teacher."
 - Allison Gemmel Laframboise & Yoganand Michael Carroll

“Ambika is a Shakti Ma Ma and fierce Goddess! Her leadership is energetic, fun, inspiring, and compassionate. She is a great listener and a skillful facilitator of transformational curriculum. I love her.” 
- Jovinna Chan

“Karen Filardo is a breath of fresh air! Fun, authentic, and passionate. Her free spirit is so inspiring in the classroom. She is the real deal!”
- Jurian Hughes 

“Fabulous, Alive, Kind, Vibrant. A friend who is not afraid to hold space for a friend. She is full of life and love and she’s not afraid to be wrong.” 
- Rouban Maddikians

From Yoga Colleagues


Karen is a very aware and compassionate Yoga Teacher. She uniquely combines the technical and intuitive aspects of yoga, facilitating students to thrive both on and off the mat, she is my sister!” 
- Devi Anette B., Professional 1000 hr. Yoga Teacher, MN

“Ambika is authentic, present, passionate, and compassion is the jewel in the lotus. She is a wonderful and experienced Yoga Teacher who demonstrates and teaches not only postures, she helps each individual to pass that wonder forward into the world. She does not only do yoga, she lives yoga.” 
- Kalimaya J., Professional 500 hr. Yoga Teacher/Artist, Virginia. 

“Karen is the true embodiment of a Yogini. Just to be in her presence is practicing yoga. When she guides you through asana and pranayama on the mat it is enlightening and life enhancing. She has inspired my yoga practice and teaching to become a way of living. I cherish all I’ve learned and continue to learn from her.” 
- Julie F., 200 hr. Yoga Teacher/Pilates Instructor, MN.
" In 2009 i  became a Yoga Teacher because Ambi made me laugh in class and I wanted to be an  inspiration like her. In short I'm still taking her classes, learning, and becoming a yoginni 
- Kim H., 200 hr RYT Yoga Teacher (also Yoga for Cancer, Recovery)/Psychologist  Florida/MN

Letter of Admiration; “I am so grateful to Ambika, Karen Filardo for the instruction and knowledge she has contributed in building our community here in the northwoods of Minnesota. As a dedicated teacher and practitioner of yoga her enthusiastic loving spirit shines as she continues to joyfully help strengthen and discipline the mind, body, and spirit connection. With Love…” 
- Amrita Mary Therese, 200 hr. Yoga Teacher/Integral Yoga Teacher/Artist MN.  

From Yoga Students

“As the center of our circle she radiates out spokes of light connecting us all. She is my muse.” 
- Dr. Maureen W., Bemidji, MN 

“Your class was one of the best I’ve ever been to, I felt so relaxed, strong and energized. I experienced change in my visual perception and more clarity and shimmering in the world.” 
- Leah C., RN, Debs, MN 

“Karen’s yoga classes are very comprehensive in that she not only teaches yoga postures but takes time to also conduct workshops exploring the other seven limbs of yoga, so students have a better understanding of it. Asana classes always involve breathing exercises, formal posture instruction, time for personal movement, and enough time for savasana to feel relaxed. Classes provide great opportunities for physical and spiritual development. I always felt refreshed and energized afterwards.” 
- Tony W., Grand Marais, MN 

“You Teacher, are beautiful, inside and out, and we love you! 
- Dr. Mark and Monica L.,  Erfurt, Germany 

“Karen is a vibrant, wise and deeply knowledgeable teacher. Above all she teaches with enthusiasm and compassion. The depth of her practice is evident and learning form her has been truly inspiring and life altering for me. As a result of my practice with Karen, I began paying attention to what really matters. I thank her for introducing me to yoga.” 
- Mary B., RN ret, Tenstrike, MN 

“I have been a yoga student of Karens since she began teaching. Her authentic personality, her compassion and vitality- as well as her advanced skill set, is an inspiration to all! She has the unique ability to empower and guide her students effectively through asana’s no matter what their skill level. She always reminds students to listen to their bodies and demonstrates alternative ways to modify poses in order to receive the same benefit. Karen shares her Yoga wisdom whether it be through movement, mindfulness, breathing exercises or Sanskrit, as a way for students to build their own practice when not in class. Karen creates a trusting, safe environment and makes all her students feel welcomed and special.”  
- Renee L., PHN, Grace Lake, MN 

“Yoga is a spiritual path for me. It is about becoming a more fully present, genuine, compassionate person. This is Ambika!” 
 - Nancy D.G., MA Ed. Bemidji, MN., Palm Springs, CA. 

Career Professionals I've Worked or Trained with

“Karen has functioned throughout her career with grace, gentleness, and positive effect. Her approach working with people in recovery from chemical dependency or post traumatic stress is through empathy, patience, and spiritual awareness.”
- Rev. Stephan Bergstrom, M.Div., MFT. 

“Every once in awhile someone comes along who is such a pleasure to have in a course (Three Principals), Karen is one. I am so grateful that she’s “there” doing this work.” 
- Dr. Jack Pransky, Ph.D. 

“Karens loving spirit and genuine curiosity about others both draws them in and draws them out - in her presence people feel completely embraced. She embodies wholeness - which has evolved from a lifetime of experience and healthy choices making her someone others wish to emulate. What I love most about Karen, as a friend of 40 years and former colleague is her ability to laugh easily and wholeheartedly! There is a time to laugh and a time to cry - and she’s mastered them both.” 
- Rev. Karin Moberg, BSW, M.Div. 

“Karen is a “Movement Evangelist” whether on a yoga mat, a dance floor, or a stage. I have been inspired by Karen’s talent and her nature for many years, as a teacher, as a colleague, and as a friend.” 
- Mitch Blessing, MFA, Professor, Actor, Musician 

“I have been a friend, colleague, student and peer of Karen Ambika since 1983. She is a bright light of unconditional love and energy that manifests as passion and a zest for life. I was privileged to be her student as she was training at Kripalu Center and am forever blessed that she took time to adjust my poses and breath, and to lay the foundation for my yoga practice today. She teaches with her intuition, creativity, and a love for movement. She is a breath of joy! A wise, authentic, and experienced teacher.”
- Kim Taylor, MS, LCDC

“Ambika is open, honest, conscious, and present. As a Teacher she is creative, compassionate, & aware. She fearlessly travels with her students through the mysteries of the divine. Her curious nature and delightful sense of humor are always present, She is one of the most passionate and caring people I’ve ever known and has a contagious child like, playful spirit. Above all she is sensitive and supportive to her students ever evolving growth potential. She found me exactly where I was and loves me whole heartedly. She taught me the courage to dance as if no one was watching and to sing as if no one was listening, inspiring me to understand my deep connection with all that is and to give freely, my talents and gifts.” 
- Caleb J. Fricke, Singer, Song Writer, Actor, Spiritual Seeker . And skilled carpenter!

“Karen Filardo is my friend and colleague. I have known her for over 28 years and I can attest to her vibrance, intelligence, and deep commitment to exploring broadly and deeply, the experiences of being human. This makes her a kind, lively, and wise teacher. Her presence is a gift to the world.” 
- Rev. Taju Geri Wilimek, MSW, LICSW, Qualified MBSR Teacher

- Sachin Hazen, Holistic Psychotherapist
Karen Filardo: 218-760-9642 (YOGA)
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